Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lo más cercano a estar drogado sin tomar nada es escuchar "Usually Just a T-Shirt" de John Frusciante.

¿Quién curará mi tosferina?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Por si alguno de ustedes leyó "Catcher in the rye" y le dio flojera buscar la canción/poema que le da el título al libro, aquí está:

Well, Jenny’s a sweet young body, Jenny’s seldom dry,
Draggled her petticoatie, comin’ through the rye.
If a body meet a body comin’ through the rye,
If a body kiss a body, need a body cry?
All the lassies have their laddies, Nane they say, have I;
But all the laddies smile at me, Comin’ through the rye.
Well, Jenny’s a sweet young body, Jenny’s seldom dry,
Draggled her petticoatie, comin’ through the rye.
If a body meet a body, comin’ from the town,
If a body kiss a body, need a body frown?
If a body meet a body, comin’ from the glen,
If a body kiss a body, need a body ken?
If a body meet a body comin’ through the rye,
If a body catch a body, need a body cry?
All the lassies have their laddies, Nane they say, have I;
But all the laddies smile at me, Comin’ through the rye.

Cuaderrrno Salmón